U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture
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Recent News About U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Agrivoltaics Could Bring Agriculture and Renewable Energy Together
Renewable energy production is growing in the United States, but expanding an energy system built on renewables – like solar or wind – means locating infrastructure closer to where those resources are either abundant and/or easily distributed.
Biden-Harris Administration Partners with Agricultural Producers to Promote Competition, Strengthen Food Supply Chain and Rural Economies
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that USDA is making investments to increase independent meat and poultry processing capacity, expand market opportunities for farmers and support a growing workforce in rural areas.
State of Success: National Alaska Day
Alaska’s Agricultural and Forestry Experiment stations date to territorial times when Charles Christian Georgeson arrived to explore Alaska’s agricultural potential.
NIFA Invests $9 Million to Improve Soil Health (A1401)
Healthy soils function as a living system and sustain plant and animal productivity while maintaining or enhancing water and air quality and promoting plant, animal and human health.
Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
This article was originally published by the Multistate Research Fund Impacts Program. It is reprinted here with permission.
USDA NIFA Invests in Positive Youth Development
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
NIFA Invests $7.3 Million to Increase Food and Agriculture Educational Workforce (A7501)
The Professional Development for Agricultural Literacy program area in the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative’s Education and Workforce Development program seeks to increase the number of K-14 educational professionals trained in the food and agricultural sciences.
NIFA Invests $9.6 Million to Support Innovation in Animal Systems (A1261)
The Inter-Disciplinary Engagement in Animal Systems (IDEAS) program area priority within the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative seeks to bridge traditional disciplinary divides and address complex issues in animal agriculture (including aquaculture).
NIFA Invests $7.5 Million to Safeguard Animal Welfare (A1251)
The Welfare of Agricultural Animals program area priority within the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative’s Foundational and Applied Science program supports projects that evaluate current production practices; reduce transportation and thermal stress;
USDA Announces Inaugural “From Learning to Leading: Cultivating the Next Generation of Diverse Food and Agriculture Professionals Program”
The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced a $262.5 million investment in institutions of higher education to foster the next generation of diverse agricultural professionals across the nation.
USDA Unveils New Tool to Track Federally Funded Investments
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the release of two new data dashboards that allow users the unprecedented ability to access high-level data about the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA)
Juneteenth as a Catalyst for Change
When peace come, they read the ‘Mancipation law to the cullud people,” said former slave Pierce Harper in 1937, as he recalled how slaves in Texas learned that the Civil War had ended, and they had been freed at least two years earlier.
State of Success: National New Mexico Day
To celebrate National New Mexico Day on June 14, USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is highlighting the innovative NIFA-funded research conducted by New Mexico State University’s (NMSU) Agricultural Experiment Station (AES).
Fort Valley State University is playing a role in bringing clean and renewable energy to residents of middle Georgia.
This story is reprinted with permission of Fort Valley State University and first appeared here.
NIFA Invests $19.5 million in Diseases of Agricultural Animals (A1221)
In the FY2023 funding cycle this AFRI program area priority focused on maintaining healthy agricultural animals to ensure a safe and adequate food supply by supporting research in cellular, molecular, genomic/genetic or whole-animal aspects of animal health;
NIFA Invests $9.5 Million to Promote Innovation in Animal Reproduction (A1211)
The Animal Reproduction program area priority within the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative funds projects that focus on enhancing gonadal function, evaluating transcriptomics in sperm, preventing pregnancy loss, and improving estrus response to enhance fertility in livestock and aquacultured food animals.
NIFA Invests $6.7 Million to Advance the Sustainable Bioeconomy through Biobased Products (A1414)
This program area priority within the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative supports integrated projects to advance biobased products, biomass systems or biomass-generated power to enable the bioeconomy in a manner which reduces adverse impacts to the environment.
NIFA Invests $16.2 Million in Innovative Plant Breeding Research (AFRI A1141)
Agriculture of the future will be enabled by genome design, innovative breeding methods, data analysis and knowledge of molecular and biological processes.
Study Unravels the Impact of Rockweed Harvest at the Bed-Scale
This story was originally published by the University of Maine and is reprinted here with permission.
State of Success: National Oklahoma Day
The Hatch Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in March 1887, set up a national network of agricultural experiment stations with a mission to conduct research that would make America's farms more productive.