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NIFA Invests $9 Million to Improve Soil Health (A1401)

Info & Nutrition


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Healthy soils function as a living system and sustain plant and animal productivity while maintaining or enhancing water and air quality and promoting plant, animal and human health. The Soil Health program area priority in the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative supports research projects that will advance scientific understanding of soil processes and interactions, and develop new methods to improve or maintain soil health and productivity while maintaining or improving environmental health and sustainability of our natural resource base. 

Explore 2022 Funded Projects

2022 Awardees

Cornell University

Michigan State University

Mississippi State University

Penn State (2 awards)

University of Arkansas

University of California, Davis

University of Central Florida

University of Delaware

University of Georgia

University of Missouri

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

University of Utah


RELATED PROGRAM Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI)

Original source can be found here.


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