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Kazakhstan: Oilseed Industry Anticipates Increases to Planting Acreage and Exports to China



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Kazakhstan: Oilseed Industry Anticipates Increases to Planting Acreage and Exports to China

During a national oilseeds conference, industry representatives noted that domestic oilseed production increased from 2.5 million hectares in 2020 to 3.4. million hectares in 2022, and they further expect production to reach 5 million hectares by 2027. This growth is driven largely by increased use of modern production methods, favorable domestic prices, and strong export demand from China. However, representatives noted that production increases may be stymied by inaccurate market statistics, inconsistent government policies, and challenging transportation logistics. U.S. exporters may capitalize on increasing oilseed production by providing planting seeds to producers, and soybeans to underutilized oilseed processors.

Original source can be found here.


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