Coffee Annual | Pexels by cottonbro studio

El Salvador: Coffee Annual



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El Salvador: Coffee Annual

El Salvador's coffee production is expected to reach 650,000 sixty-kg bags in marketing year (MY) 2022/23. The Salvadoran coffee sector continues to struggle mainly due to climate vulnerability and a lack of long-term strategy that hinders needed investment at the farm level. The MY2023/24 crop is forecast to reach 670,000 sixty-kg bags. The lack of labor is affecting coffee farm activities, including pruning, tree renovation, and coffee berry picking and processing. In addition, prices for fertilizer and other inputs remain high, thus increasing coffee production costs. In April 2021, the Government of El Salvador (GOES) announced a coffee sector rescue program that included renovation of approximately 35,000 hectares, as well as debt re-structuring, however lack of funding has placed this plan on hold.

Original source can be found here.


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