USDA | United States Department of Agriculture

Estimating the State-Level Food Expenditure Series

Info & Nutrition


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The USDA, Economic Research Service’s Food Expenditure Series (FES) is a comprehensive measure of the total value of food acquired in the United States over time. FES provides users with data to evaluate changes in food spending and its composition at the national level. This report presents methodology and source data used to generate State-level FES estimates. The newly developed State-level FES provides information about consumer food acquisitions and spending behavior across States and time, and can improve the understanding of whether certain policies or shocks have different effects on food spending at the State level.

Keywords: Food Expenditure Series, FES, food-at-home, FAH, food-away-from-home, FAFH, food spending, State estimates, national estimates, National Establishment Time Series, NETS

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Report summary

Original source can be found here.


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